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32 results German - English substring search »
liegende   -   recumbently
zweifache oben liegende Nockenwelle   -   double overhead camshaft
fliegender Händler, Hausierer, Köker   -   hawker
gegenüberliegende   -   oppositely
tiefliegender Wagen {m}   -   lowrider
fliegender Start   -   running start
(herumliegender) Abfall {m}   -   litter
fliegender Teppich, der   -   magic carpet
vorliegende Sache, vorliegender Fall   -   matter in hand
dazwischenliegende   -   intermediately
fliegender Druck   -   on-the-fly print
fliegender Magnetkopf   -   flying head
fliegender Magnetkopf   -   floating head
brachliegendes Kapital   -   loose capital
fliegender Druck   -   hit-on-the-fly print
   |    next 15 »
It is all right to hold a conversation, but you should let go of it now and then. -- Richard Armour
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