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20 results German - English substring search »
Ware {f}   -   merchandise
Handelsware, Handel treiben   -   merchandise
Handelsware {f}   -   merchandise
Warenhandel   -   merchandise trade
Warenlager, das   -   stock of merchandise
Art der Ware   -   kind of merchandise
Warengattung   -   type of merchandise
Luxusgüter, teure Güter   -   high-price merchandise
Warenkunde {f}   -   merchandise knowledge
Wareneinkauf {m}   -   merchandise purchase
Warenwirtschaft {f}   -   merchandise management
Warenversicherung   -   insurance of merchandise
Exportgüter {pl}   -   merchandise intended for export
ein schneller Warenumschlag   -   a rapid turnover of merchandise
Warenwirtschaftssystem {n}   -   merchandise planning and control system
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Westheimer's Discovery: A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library.
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