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17 results German - English substring search »
numerische   -   numerally
numerische   -   numerically
numerische Ordnung {f}   -   numerical order
numerische Anordnung   -   numerical classification
Numerische Steuerung {f}   -   computer numeric control
NC : numerische Steuerung {f}   -   NC : numerical control
Numerische Steuerung (CNC)   -   computer numeric control
alternative numerische Tastenblockbelegung   -   alternate keypad mode
CNC : Computergestützte numerische Steuerung {f}   -   CNC : computer(ized) numerical control
alphanumerische   -   alphanumeric
alphanumerische   -   alphanumerical
alphanumerischer Code   -   alphanumeric code
alphanumerischer Leser   -   alphanumeric reader
alphanumerische Adresse {f}   -   alphanumeric address
alphanumerische Codierung {f}   -   alphanumeric coding
   |    next 15 »
sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
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