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229 results German - English substring search »
Schritt   -   pace
Schritt {m}; Stufe {f}   -   pace
[ Personenname ]   -   Pace
abschreiten   -   to pace off
Schrittmacher   -   pace setter
Schrittmacher {m}   -   pace maker
flott leben   -   to go the pace
Tempo vorlegen   -   to set the pace
das Tempo bestimmen   -   set the pace
normales Arbeitstempo   -   normal pace
Schritt halten mit   -   keep pace with
normaler Arbeitsschritt   -   normal pace
normale Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit   -   normal pace
die Schritte beschleunigen   -   quicken the pace
ein scharfes Tempo vorlegen   -   to set a brisk pace
   |    next 15 »
Why did the Lord give us so much quickness of movement unless it was to avoid responsibility with?
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