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17 results German - English substring search »
Anorak {m}   -   parka
Parkanlage {f}   -   parkway
Parkaufseher {m}   -   parker
Sparkasse   -   penny bank
Sparkasse {f}   -   savings bank
Sparkasse   -   providend bank
Bausparkasse {f}   -   building society
Sparkassenwesen   -   savings banking
Bausparkasse   -   building association
Bausparkassen {pl}   -   building societies
Postsparkasse   -   post office savings bank
Sparkassenabteilung   -   savings department
Postsparkasse (Br.)   -   national savings bank
gemeinnützige Sparkasse, auf Gegenseitigkeit   -   mutual savings bank
Bausparkassenhypothek   -   building society mortgage
   |    next 15 »
There are three ways to get something done: (1) Do it yourself. (2) Hire someone to do it for you. (3) Forbid your kids to do it.
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