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308 results German - English substring search »
aufwerfen   -   to pose
Pose {f}   -   pose; air; act
Körperhaltung {f}; Haltung {f}; Stellung {f}; Positur {f}; Pose {f}   -   posture
posieren; sich in Pose stellen; sich in Positur bringen   -   to posture
legt   -   poses
fett   -   adipose
gelegt   -   posed
ruhen   -   repose
ruht   -   reposes
Exposee {n}   -   memo, memorandum
posiert   -   posed
ruhte   -   reposed
Zweck, Absicht, Ziel, Vorsatz   -   purpose
Zweck, Verwendungszweck   -   purpose
enthob   -   deposed
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meeting, n.: An assembly of people coming together to decide what person or department not represented in the room must solve a problem.
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