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81 results German - English substring search »
Puff {m}   -   toke
Hauch {m}   -   puff
Puff {m}   -   buffet
Puff, der   -   bordello
pusten   -   to puff
paffen   -   to puff away
[ Personenname ]   -   Puff
Butterteig {m}   -   puff paste
Blätterteig   -   puff pastry
Blätterteig {m}   -   puff pastry
Blätterteige   -   puff pastries
Blätterteige {pl}   -   puff pastries
leichte Behauchung   -   slight puff of breath
Er kann einen guten Puff vertragen.   -   He can take it.
böig   -   puffy
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: Talk about willing people... over half of them are willing to work and the others are more than willing to watch them.
processing time: 0.199 [sec]

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