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33 results German - English substring search »
Soße {f}; Sauce {f}   -   sauce
Frechheit {f}   -   sauce
Sojasoße {f}   -   soy sauce
Sauciere {f}   -   sauce boat
Saucieren {pl}   -   sauce boats
[ Personenname ]   -   Sauce
Remoulade {f}   -   tartar sauce
die Tomatensoße   -   tomato sauce
Chantilly-Sauce {f}   -   chantilly sauce
Hunger ist der beste Koch.   -   Hunger is the best sauce.
Gericht aus Indien: pikant marinierte gegrillte Hühnerfleischstücke in würziger Sauce   -   chicken tikka masala
Soßen {pl}; Saucen {pl}   -   sauces
besoffen   -   sauced
Ketchup {m}; Tomatensauce {f}   -   ketchup
Kochtopf {m}   -   saucepan
   |    next 15 »
The human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange protein -- it rejects it. -- P. Medawar
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