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12 results German - English substring search »
soviel   -   as much
soviel wie   -   as much as
(US) soviel wie AG, GmbH   -   corporation
soviel ich weiß   -   for all I know
soviel ich weiß   -   to my knowledge
noch einmal soviel   -   twice as much
soviel ich weiß   -   for aught I know
Soviel ich weiß.   -   As far as I know.
- : soviel ich weiß, soweit ich weiß   -   AFAIK : as far as I know
soviel ich weiß; meines Wissens   -   to my knowledge
ebensoviel   -   no less than
genausoviel   -   just as much; just as many
Steinbach's Guideline for Systems Programming: Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.
processing time: 0.046 [sec]

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