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19 results German - English substring search »
spontan   -   spontaneous
spontan   -   spontaneously; on the spur of the moment
Spontaneität {f}   -   spontaneity
Spontaneität {f}   -   spontaneity, spontaneousness
Spontankauf   -   impulse buying
die Spontanität   -   spontaneity
Ungezwungenheit {f}   -   spontaneity
spontaner Käufer   -   impulse buyer
Freiwilligkeit {f}   -   spontaneousness
Ungezwungenheiten {pl}   -   spontaneities
Selbstentzündung   -   spontaneous combustion
ungesetzlicher Streik (US), spontaner Streik   -   quickie strike
Spontanheilung {f}   -   spontaneous recovery (med.)
spontaner Hypersulinismus, Hyperinsulinismus perniziöser Insulinismus, Harris Syndrom   -   pernicious hyperinsulinism, spontaneous hyperinsulinism, Harris syndrome (medical)
Selbstentzündung {f}   -   spontaneous ignition; auto-ignition
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You'd best be snoozin', 'cause you don't be gettin' no work done at 5 a.m. anyway. -- From the wall of the Wurster Hall stairwell
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