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16 results German - English substring search »
[ Personenname ]   -   Stairs
die Haupttreppe   -   front stairs
eine Treppe   -   a flight of stairs
Treppe hinauf (hinab)   -   up (down) stairs
Wendeltreppe {f}   -   flight of winding stairs
Wendeltreppen {pl}   -   flights of winding stairs
oben   -   upstairs
unten   -   downstairs
nach oben   -   upstairs
treppabwärts   -   downstairs
Emporkoemmlinge, herauf, nach oben, oben gelegen   -   upstairs
Hintertreppe {f}   -   backstairs
Treppe hinabgehen   -   to go downstairs
oben; obere; oberer; oberes   -   upstairs
die Treppe hinaufgehen   -   to go upstairs
   |    next 15 »
Before destruction a man's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honour. -- Proverbs 18:12
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