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55 results German - English substring search »
legt; steckt   -   puts
Was steckt dahinter?   -   What's behind all this?
Da steckt mehr dahinter.   -   There's more behind.
Er steckt seine Nase in alles hinein.   -   He sticks his nose into everything.
Er steckt mich immer in den Sack (in die Tasche).   -   He always puts me to shame (in the shade).
Unter schwierigen Umständen zeigt man, was in einem steckt.   -   One shows what he is made of under difficult conditions.
gesteckt   -   stuck
versteckte   -   hid
versteckt   -   hides
versteckt   -   covert
versteckt   -   hidden
versteckt   -   stashes
versteckte   -   cached
aufgesteckt   -   pinned
Steckteil {n}   -   plug-in
   |    next 15 »
It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. -- Thomas Jefferson
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