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12 results German - English substring search »
Studenten {pl}   -   students
Kommilitonen {pl}   -   fellow students
studentisch   -   student; students'
Werkstudenten {pl}   -   working students
Schüleraustausch {m}   -   exchange of students
Fachschaft {f}   -   students of a/the department
Studentenverbindung {f}   -   students' fraternity
Studenten, die an deutschen Universitäten eingeschrieben sind   -   students enrolled at German universities
Ermäßigung für Schüler und Studenten   -   reduction for students
Studentenvertretung {f}   -   student representation; students council
Studentenwohnheim {n}; Studentenheim {n}   -   students' hostel; hall of residence; dormitory [Am.]
Begabtenförderung {f}   -   scholarship system; (provision of) scholarships for outstanding pupils or students
To be is to be related. -- C. J. Keyser.
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