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22 results German - English substring search »
Tangens {m} [math.]   -   tangent
tangiere   -   am tangent to
tangiert   -   is tangent to
tangierte   -   was tangent to
Arcustangens {m} [math.]   -   arc tangent
tangieren   -   to be tangent to
tangierten   -   were tangent to
Tangens hyperbolicus {m} [math.]   -   hyperbolic tangent
berührend, Tangente   -   tangent
Tangente {f}   -   tangent
Tangente {f} [math.]   -   tangent
Kotangens {m}   -   cotangent
berührend   -   tangentially
Arcustangens, inverse Tangente   -   arc tangent
Tangentkeil {m}   -   tangent key
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