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39 results German - English substring search »
Behandlung   -   therapy
Heilverfahren, Therapie   -   therapy
Heilverfahren {n}; Therapie {f}; Behandlung {f}   -   therapy
Logopädie {f}   -   speech therapy
Therapie, Behandlung   -   therapy (medical)
die Schmerztherapie   -   pain therapy
Intensivtherapie, Intensivbehandlung   -   intensive therapy, intensive treatment (medical)
Bewegungstherapie {f}   -   exercise therapy
Radiumheilverfahren {n}; Radiumtherapie {f}   -   radium therapy
Hormontherapie [med.]   -   hormone therapy
Primärtherapie [med.]   -   primary therapy
Kaltwasserheilkunde {f}   -   cold water therapy
radiologische Therapie, Bestrahlungstherapie   -   radiation therapy, radiotherapy (medical)
Schocktherapie {f}   -   (electro-) shock therapy
adjuvante Therapie [med.]   -   adjuvant therapy
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QOTD: The only easy way to tell a hamster from a gerbil is that the gerbil has more dark meat.
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