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14 results German - English substring search »
Faible {n}   -   weakness
Asthenie, Kraftlosigkeit   -   asthenia, weakness, loss of strength (medical)
Schwäche {f}   -   weakness
Schwachheit {f}; Schwäche {f}   -   weakness
Hauptschwäche   -   principal weakness
Gedächtnisschwäche {f}   -   weakness of memory
Gedaechtnisschwäche   -   weakness of memory
Charakterschwäche   -   weakness of character
Charakterschwäche {f}   -   weakness of character
Schwäche des Markts   -   weakness of the market
Schwächen {pl}   -   weaknesses
Charakterschwächen   -   weaknesses of character
Charakterschwächen {pl}   -   weaknesses of character
Muskelschwäche {f}   -   myasthenia (muscle weakness)
Pedaeration, n.: The perfect body heat achieved by having one leg under the sheet and one hanging off the edge of the bed. -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
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