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22 results German - English substring search »
wendige   -   versatile
wendigere   -   more nimble
wendiges Auto   -   flexible car
notwendigere   -   more necessary
notwendige Güter   -   necessaries
notwendigerweise   -   necessarily
notwendiges Übel   -   necessary evil
lebensnotwendige Güter   -   essentials
lebensnotwendige Güter, Bedürfnisse   -   necessities
notwendige Mittel, erforderliche Mittel   -   necessary means
notwendige Arbeit   -   necessary labour
notwendige Aufwendungen   -   necessaries
notwendige Auslagen   -   reasonable expenses
notwendige Sorgfalt   -   necessary diligence
lebensnotwendiger Bedarf   -   necessities of life
   |    next 15 »
index, n.: Alphabetical list of words of no possible interest where an alphabetical list of subjects with references ought to be.
processing time: 0.098 [sec]

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