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58 results German - English substring search »
mögliche   -   potential
potential   -   potential
Potential, potentiell   -   potential
Potential {n}   -   potential
das Potential   -   potential
Potential [math.]   -   potential
das Potential   -   potentialities
mögliche Umsätze   -   potential sales
möglicher Käufer   -   potential buyer
potentiell; potenziell   -   potential
Absatzmoeglichkeit   -   sales potential
Absatzmöglichkeit {f}   -   sales potential
möglicher Kunde   -   potential customer
Spannungsteiler {m}   -   potential divider
Leitungsfähigkeit   -   achievement potential
   |    next 15 »
"If John Madden steps outside on February 2, looks down, and doesn't see his feet, we'll have 6 more weeks of Pro football." -- Chuck Newcombe
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