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408 results German - English substring search »
wie geht's?   -   How do you do?
Wie geht's?   -   How are things?
praktische Erfahrung   -   know-how
wie abstoßend!   -   how revolting!
Guten Tag!   -   How do you do? [Br.]
Was soll das bedeuten?   -   How now?
Wie geht es ihm?   -   How's he doing?
Wie spät ist es?   -   How late is it?
inwieweit   -   how far; to what extent
Wie alt bist du?   -   How old are you?
Wieviel macht es?   -   How much it is?
Wie kommen Sie dazu?   -   How dare you?
Wie steht's damit?   -   How about that?
Wie steht es um ihn?   -   How's he doing?
schwimmen lernen   -   to learn how to swim
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This is the first age that's paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one. -- Arthur Clarke
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