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67 results German - English substring search »
Anspruch, fordern   -   claim
Anspruch, Bedarf, fordern, verlangen   -   demand
fordern   -   request
fordern   -   to arrogate
fordern   -   to postulate
beanspruchen; fordern   -   to claim
Geld fordern, auf Zahlung klagen   -   claim one's money
verlangen; fordern; anfordern   -   to demand
verlangen; fordern; bedürfen   -   to require
von jemandem fordern   -   demand from someone
schrecklichen Tribut {m} von jdm./etw. fordern   -   to take a terrible toll on sb./sth.
bitten (um); fragen (nach); erfragen; fordern   -   to ask (for)
Revanche fordern   -   to challenge someone to a return game (match)
die Untersuchung von [...] fordern   -   call for the investigation of
Sie fordern den Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie.   -   They want the government to back out of the nuclear energy program.
   |    next 15 »
How many Unix hacks does it take to change a light bulb? Let's see, can you use a shell script for that or does it need a C program?
processing time: 0.484 [sec]

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